Welcome to bookcheat

Things you will find on this site

1. Reviews
2. Links
3. Free Books on Mp3
4. Cliff Notes, Cheat Notes and the like
5. Texts

regarding books on mp3: we have provided these files for computer use
and nothing else.  If you own a copy of the book reading on tape or CD, you are
good to go, otherwise, do not attempt to download them.

If you do decide to download them, in all honesty, there is
nothing we can do about it.  But legally it's your problem and not ours.
I guess that's what I'm trying to get at.  And don't distribute the files, that too.

Oh yeah, one more thing...
We support independant booksellers,
no infedels on our site.

Yes.  I agree to all the terms and
independant booksellers kick ass.

No.  I love it when corporate juggernauts roll into a market,
eliminate all viable competition and enstill a restrictive oligopoly
which harm not only small businesses but consumers as well.